April to July 2021 |
Homework Monday – Active learn homework online. Tuesday – Topic and project task. See topic sheet and pick and mix sheet. Wednesday – One of the pick and mix tasks of the term. Thursday – Timetables homework. This will be tested the following Thursday. Friday – Spelling. This will be tested the following Friday.
Reading books should be taken home every night and read. Please could you comment in your child's reading record. |
Water Children will need to bring in their own water bottle from home. These will be refilled by staff during the day. They will need to be taken home and washed every evening. |
Class Dojo Class Dojo is a fantastic way for teachers to encourage students and share their best moments with parents. Class Dojo is a positive behaviour reinforcement tool, which enables you to see what ‘dojo skills’ your child is receiving throughout the day. On the App, you can message myself directly and I will reply once it has been received. It is important that parents do not publish the images from Class Dojo anywhere else, if you do, you will be removed.
Pupils will be uploading their work to seesaw. They are normally really proud of this work and is a great way for you to see what they have been up to that day. They love hearing your comments and get really excited when you reply to their work. I will also upload tasks to be completed at home. |
Uniform Could you please ensure all your child’s belongings are labelled – all uniform, PE kit, water bottle, reading bag, coats etc. Pupils will need to come to school in their P.E kit on Monday and Thursday. |
Snack time Children will need to bring in their own healthy snack. School cannot provide tuck at the moment. |
Welsh – Pupils have 15 minutes of Welsh lesson every day. These sessions focus on the unit’s language patterns. In addition, pupils will have 1 hour of Welsh lessons within the week. Welsh will be taught cross curricular on occasions e.g. Sports or Art may be taught through using some Welsh language patterns extending their experiences further. We follow the Pod Antur scheme – children will learn about ·Personal information ·Weather ·Describing a character ·Cross curricular language patterns linked to other subjects such as P.E.
Pupils are also working with Mrs Davies online to improve their Welsh skills every Wednesday. |
Literacy – This term we will be looking at Poetry for dramatic performance, Myths and legends, retelling classical stories, presentation and and recounts.
Our guided read for this term will be 'Skellig' by David Almond. This tells the story of Michael who moves into a crumbling, old house with an ancient garage that he cannot resist going into, he encounters a mysterious creature named Skellig. Slowly they come to trust and care for each other and help each other through the most difficult phase of their lives
There will also be literacy running through our topic work, so pupils will have a chance to apply the skills they have learnt in English and apply them through their topic work.
Furthermore, they will also have a chance to do some independent work within their VIP challenges. |
Maths- ·If you have access to the computer. Please ensure your child completes RM Easi maths. They can complete this as many times as they like during. Their passwords and user names will remain the same. ·Maths will follow a number of units which will change each week. This term will be focusing on area, perimeter and volume. Ratio, statistics and properties of shapes.
Active learn homework will be set on a Monday.
Pupils will be having a maths reasoning lesson each week on the theme of the week.
Cross-Curricular work within topic will also be set to further enhance their skills.
They will again also have the chance to do some independent work within the VIP challenges.
This term science will be looking at space,habitats and sound. Pupils will also do extra Science work themed on their topics.
P.E follows 3 unit – Competitive, Creative and Adventurous. ·This term outdoor will be athletics and rounders. ·Creative P.E. will be Gymnastics and folk dance skills ·Adventurous P.E. – Swimming ( we will contact you when we have an update about this from Denbighshire leisure. Pupils are engaged in 2 hours of P.E. every week. PE kit is a white T-shirts, black shorts and trainers. Pupils are to come to school in their P.E kit.
Please note to extra warm clothing for outside sports. Football boots and trainers if possible but no pumps. ·Swimming dates – will take place every other week (every 2 weeks). The transport costs will be added to ParentPay. Pupils need goggles and a towel. Swimming trunks or swimming costume. Bikini costumes are not allowed. If pupils are not swimming, they will remain in school.
Pupils have chosen the topics for this term. These will be Japan,Olympics, Robots, Engineering cars, Fashion and Wildlife. These will be cross curricular and will follow the new welsh curriculum. Focus will be on areas such as D&T,R.E, History, Geography, ,ICT, P.E, Science and will all include numeracy and Literacy. All pupils will have at least one topic in the year that they have chosen.
Spelling – children will be given a spelling book. All pupils are expected to learn their weekly spellings as there will be a test each week. Children will be tested on their spellings every Friday as well as timetables every Thursday. |
Guided reading – pupils focus on reading and understanding the text and discussing what they have read within a group which is teacher lead. Please could you read with your child daily and record their progress in their reading record. Times tables – Each class is given a times table to learn each weeks ranging from 2-12.
Please can I request that children do not bring in any toys from home, unless they have been requested or it has been discussed with myself. Pencil cases are not allowed at present as pupils will be provided with everything they need in school.
I am so excited to seeing all the children again. Any questions please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards Miss Woodbine Athro Blwyddyn 5 and 6 Year 5 and 6 Teacher |